how to mirror an image

How to Mirror an Image

in Blog Tutorials, Not For Commercial Use on February 3, 2013

how to mirror an image

Ever since I re-opend my etsy shop and started selling large printable iron-on images, I have been asked this question over and over again.  It’s seriously so easy and there is no need for any fancy programs!


how to invert images in paint_thumb[1]

1. The first way to do it would be in the program Paint! Most of you, if not all of you, already have paint installed on your computer(s) and Miss Gina over at The Shabby Creek Cottage has the perfect tutorial on how it’s done.


2. You could use Sumopaint.comAll you have to do is upload your image>click on image> click on flip horizontal and that is it! is an online editing program that is absolutely FREE! And we all know that Free is our motto around these parts :)

How to flip and image by FPTFY

If any of you missed this little cutie you could get her HERE!


Wishing you all a blessed Sunday!
I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.
Psalm 40:1