Free Spell Your Name Busy Bag Printable
in DIY, Freebie images, Not For Commercial Use on August 19, 2013Last week, my little one and I had the opportunity to meet up with 9 other amazing moms and kids to do our very first busy bag swap for ages 1-6! It was such a blast for both of us and each busy bag was filled with hrs of entertainment for her..and much needed free time for me :)
Before this event, I had never heard of “Busy Bags”. Miss K from Plants and Pillars explains it perfectly and also has links to all of the moms that were at our Swap!
For my busy bags, I made this adorable Free Spell Your Name Bunting Printable! It includes the complete alphabet so you are able to choose the letters you need for each child and also some numbers if you feel like throwing them in there.
Click each number above to downlaod
I did learn 2 very important things from this project.. 1. Even though those tiny little wooden clothes pins are too cute for words ..
Don’t get me wrong.. If you are going to do a pretty bunting like this they work perfectly awesome and look insanely precious!
But ..for little hands that will be opening them over and over again ..the tiny clothes pins will fall apart and therefor cause some frustration in a prepreschoolers world. Soooo.. to avoid any unnecessary meltdowns for both parties — note to self: use metal clips next time for Kids.
And 2. If you ever want an amazing printing job.. take your files to Staples. Their laser printers made a world of difference with my images!! BTY- this is not a sponsored post for staples ;) I just adored how my prints turned out… plus it was cheap and they let me use my own card stock. Yay for that!
Can’t wait for the next swap!
Happy Monday my lovelies!
A Big Thank You to Sahlin Studios for allowing use of their gorgeous digital chevron paper!
Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
Colossians 3:12
If this was ANY CUTE I think I would simply loose my mind! What can I say…I just can’t stand it…and look at the packaging…looks like it should be on the wall of a high end children’s boutique!!! You ROCKED this girl…I mean ROCKED IT!!!! hugs and love!
Oh my goodnesss! What an adorable children’s project. I bet you gals had a lot of fun. Thanks so much for sharing.
Keren, Thank you so much for sharing this sweet children’s project. This printable is so adorable I have to make one for my nephew. I don’t if there is a problem with the download but all I get when I click on the image is just the same jpg picture. Is it small like that?
oops! all fixed!
Just click number 1-4 :)
You are so generous besides being extremely talented. Thank you so much for sharing so many wonderful gifts. I certainly look on everything/anything bloggers choose to share as gifts. It takes time to get it all on here and ready for us. Bless you and your family. I love everything you do, would be hard put to pick a favorite. Happy days You inspire me constantly.
I cant thank you enough for such a sweet and thoughtful comment! Knowing that my work is a appreciated by some out there truly keeps me going! So from the bottom of my ♥ THANK YOU!!! You truly brought some sunshine in!
Thank you so much! This is beautiful!
This is such a cute project! Have you seen the post-it note teachers site? They have the funnest ideas for teaching. Here is the link: http://teachers.post-it.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Post-it-Teachers/Home/ I’m guessing that your child is in preschool? I used to teach 2nd grade and my daughter is going into 10th next week. Yikes! It all goes so fast!
Thank you Katharine!!
Cant wait to check it out!
Yup, 4 going on 12 lol she is just too much!