Free Images
We know how hard it is to find high-quality free images that won’t get you in any type of copyright trouble. With so many shady “free images” websites out there who can you really trust?
At FPTFY we have over ten years of scouring the net for the best free graphic sites out there for your enjoyment and safety.
Free Vintage Graphic and Digital Scrapbooking Craft Websites
1. The Graphics Fairy
The Graphics Fairy is a resource for DIYer and Crafter. Find over 5,000 Free Vintage Images, Project tutorials, decore ideas, and more!
2. Free Pretty Things For You aka FPTFY
Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and prepare to stay for a while! Browse and download thousands of gorgeous free digital paper backgrounds, clipart, SVG files, fonts, Journaling images, and more!
3. Pixel Scrapper
A community site for digital artists and scrapbookers offering thousands of free images, templates, PSDs, kits, and tutorials.
4. Pretty Grafik
Prettygrafik offer users thousand of commercial use graphic, clipart, patterns, and design resources available for instant download.