Free Spring Flowers Digital Paper Backgrounds
in Freebie images, Free Design Resources, Free digital scrapbooking paper, Free Web Design Resources on April 23, 2019Spring Flowers Digital Paper Backgrounds:
I’m sure you can already tell that Springtime is my absolute most favorite season! When all the dogwood trees and wildflowers are in full bloom is when I feel most inspired and love to create colorful freebies for all of you to enjoy :)
With that said.. I was excited to create these lovely floral digital paper backgrounds not only for scrapbooking layouts but also for adding special quotes/sayings – I have two pre-made for you below!
Just right-click on the
images and save to your computer!
The font I used is called TOOLBOX HUNTERSWOOD
from one of my favorite font collection by Nicky Laatz.
Really hope this brightens your day! It contains
7 digital papers and 2 premade quotes.
• To Download Click HERE!
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For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
Romans 14:11
Thanks Keren, so much! these are beautiful!! I love them.
Welcome my dear!! Hope you are having a lovely day!! :)
Thank you for these pretties!
Thank you so much!! I am making a sign for my parents home, and these papers are perfect to print it on!!
Yay! So happy they will work for you!!